Before the procedure:
View the counseling videos and read the FAQs on this site.
You will be contacted by our office for discussion of your payment options, plan for sedative/nitrous oxide.
Refrain from taking NSAIDS such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc 1 week prior to the procedure.
Please email or call if you would like to schedule a video appointment for further discussion.
The day of the procedure:
Eat a light meal.
Trim the hair from the penile shaft down using scissors or a clipper.
Shower and use a gentle soap to cleanse the genital area.
Wear loose fitting shorts/pants and tight fitting underwear or a jock strap.
Take the oral sedative (if desired) 1 hour prior to your appointment time. We strongly recommend a driver if you elect to take the medication. A driver is not necessary if you elect not to take it or if you choose to have nitrous oxide.
Plan to be at the appointment for about 30 minutes.