After your procedure:

  • You should rest for the first 48 hours after the procedure.

  • You should ice the area with an ice pack (do not put ice directly on the skin) for 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off for the first 1-2 days then as needed.

  • You should take ibuprofen or similar type medications for the first 1-2 days every 8 hours and then as needed for discomfort.

  • You may alternate Tylenol with the ibuprofen if desired.

  • You may shower the day after the procedure. Refrain from bathtubs, hot tubs, swimming pools, etc for 1 week after the procedure.

  • Tight fitting underwear or a jock strap should be worn while awake for the first two days after the procedure. The idea is to provide compression to reduce swelling and discomfort. A jock strap is best.

  • Avoid heavy lifting, straining, and strenuous exercise for 1 week after the procedure. It is recommended to gradually reintroduce activity after the 1 week.

  • Avoid ejaculation for 1 week after the procedure.

  • Remember to use a back up method of contraception until you have received a test result showing no sperm.

What is normal after a vasectomy?

  • Mild swelling and bruising of the scrotal area.

    Use ibuprofen, rest, ice, and scrotal support as above.

  • Small amount of bleeding from the site.

    A dry gauze and compression from the jock strap will resolve this.

  • Mild discomfort.

    Use ibuprofen, rest, ice, and scrotal support as above.

What is cause for concern?

  • Pus, redness, or drainage from the area.

  • Fever more than 101.

  • Substantial swelling (double the size of the scrotum).

If you have a concern:

If you feel it is emergent, call 911 or report to the ER.

Call VCC at 970-743-0730 or email here for non emergent concerns.

Post Vasectomy Semen Testing:

Options for testing after vasectomy include home tests and laboratory testing.

You should resume sexual activity 1 week after the vasectomy and ejaculation as often as reasonably possible for the first 2-3 months after the procedure. Remember to use a backup method of contraception.

Options for at home tests include:

Male from Home

Sperm Check Vasectomy


If you prefer to use a local lab we will provide lab orders and specimen cups.

Costs associated with post vasectomy sperm checks are from the home test company and/or lab and may be submitted through insurance. Insurance coverage is not guaranteed.